Fabrizio Adrian Vasquez Perez

Mar 7, 2023

Mi rol más significativo es el de ser papá.

Conocemos la perspectiva íntima de un CEO viviendo como papá.

En el mundo empresarial, donde las demandas laborales son constantes, a menudo se subestima el papel fundamental de ser papá. En esta oportunidad, exploraremos cómo la paternidad no solo impacta nuestras vidas personales y profesionales, sino que también representa un sólido pilar de amor y enseñanza en la vida de los hijos.

En honor al Día del Padre, nos acompañó el CEO y fundador de Industria Soprastelle, Roberto Wills, quien compartió su experiencia como padre de tres hijos, destacando la importancia de este rol tanto en lo personal como en lo profesional. En este espacio nos adentraremos en su vida familiar y reflexionaremos sobre la trascendencia de la paternidad.

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Roberto Wills, CEO - Founder de Industria Soprastelle

- En su experiencia como padre y líder de una empresa, ¿cómo ha logrado equilibrar ambos roles?
Encontré el equilibrio entendiendo que la educación y desarrollo de mis hijos es mi prioridad principal y que el vehículo para lograr el bienestar de ellos es mi trabajo. Esto implica trabajar de forma eficiente y no escatimar horas en la noche o fines de semana para avanzar en ambos frentes.

- ¿Cuál ha sido el mayor desafío que ha enfrentado como padre?
El mayor desafío que he enfrentado fue aprender a dirigirme de manera particular a cada uno de mis hijos y poder aportar en su desarrollo de la mejor forma. Tengo 3 hijos hombres, el mayor de 9 años y mellizos de 7. Entender que cada uno requiere una caricia distinta ha sido un gran aprendizaje para mi vida.

- ¿Cómo cree que la paternidad puede contribuir a un mejor ambiente laboral?
Gran parte del sentido de la vida son los hijos, un papá es normalmente más empático frente a las diversas situaciones laborales.

- Y finalmente, ¿Cuál cree que sería el mejor recuerdo que guarda como padre?
El mejor recuerdo que tengo de mis hijos es el del día a día. Verlos a diario me llena de energía positiva, existo para amarlos.

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Roberto Wills acompañado de sus 3 hijos.

Dentro del amor por su familia, descubrimos en Roberto su afición por la pesca para compartir tiempo al aire libre con sus 3 hijos, encajando a la perfección en el perfil de un papá aventurero. Es por eso que, como parte de nuestro artículo, queremos sugerir tres productos infaltables para esas escapadas de pesca en familia, disponibles en nuestra colección del Día del Padre que seguramente harán que compartir tiempo al aire libre con papá sea aún más memorable y gratificante.

Table of Content

  • Introduction
  • Meet the expert
  • The 5 most comfortable heels to buy in 2023
  • Tips to find comfortable heels
  • Fun facts
  • Conclusion

Meet Our Founder

Katerina Herman is a former writer for a health blog covering the foot and ankle disorders. She is a podiatrist with over 10 years of experience. She has experience treating a wide range of conditions, including dermatology, orthopedics, and sports medicine issues specific to the foot and ankle.

“Foot health problems can affect anyone of all ages. A podiatrist can help restore the health of your feet and prevent problems. The list below offers options that fit your needs, as well as general advice on what to look for when shopping for comfortable heels.”

 - Katerina Herman

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Everly Pump

Available in three widths, these pumps feature walkable heels and provide non-slip outsoles. With a pair of pumps like these Naturalizer Everly heels, you may be able to get through the day without any discomfort. They sit below the recommended 3-inch heel height and feature the brand’s signature open-cell foam padding to make it feel like you’re wearing the shoes and not the other way around. Choose from one of three widths (narrow, medium, wide) and strut with a pair of shoes that works for day or night, casual or special occasions.

Round-Toe Chunky Heels

These rounded-toe shoes provide an antibacterial, deodorizing cushion to keep your feet fresh. Anyone who has bunions should pay special attention to the toe box. Rounded or square boxes are better because pointed ones will add more pressure in that area. These heels from Vivaia have rounded toes to prevent worsening bunions, and their upper areas are knitted with flexible stretch. They’re also quite low at a little less than two inches to ease the pressure from your feet. And they have a non-slip rubber sole to help you stay put. If you have wide feet, we recommend selecting one size up for extra comfort.

4 Tips to Find Comfortable Heels

Know Your Right Shoe Size

It may sound silly, but a 2017 survey by the Podiatric Society found that almost half of the women in the UK alone are wearing the wrong shoe size. Your foot sizes change over the years, especially after having kids. When buying shoes, measure both width and length. A lot of people think it's wide or vice versa and it's not, so make sure to check that out before shopping.

The Thicker The Heel, The Better

Avoid thin heels: the stilettos. These heels often cause your feet to wobble around. If you wear stilettos every day, you may want to consider a chunkier heel style and change it up a bit. Chunky heels don't wobble as easily as high heels, which helps prevent your ankle from snapping.

Try a Shoe with More Top Coverage

The more coverage you have on the top of your feet, the better. Sometimes, you can wear high heels all day and they don’t bother your feet as much. In the summer, you can try something with an ankle strap or a large wide strap over the top. If you are worried about blisters and friction, you might want to try something that covers more of the top of your foot.

Opt for Platform Heels

Platform heels are more comfortable than single-sole heels because the actual heel is shorter than the heel height. The platform also reduces the impact of your feet touching the ground, reducing discomfort. However, thicker platform heels can cause your foot to wobble and your ankle to snap, especially if the platform is very thick and the heel is stiletto. The shoe should be a good ratio between a thick platform and a fitting heel.

Fun Facts About High Heels

Men's high heels are made to be comfortable and look good, so they will replace the standard sneaker as an everyday shoe. Men are also likely to buy more expensive shoes in order to get a better fit and style. The market for men's shoes will grow by 10% every year through 2024, according to Business Insider. In 2023, there will be almost 4 billion pairs of men's shoes sold each year—a nearly 50% increase from 2022 levels!


London is the most fashion-forward city in the world. It's also a good place to shop for high heels for men, as many stores specialize in selling them. The men's fashion scene is growing rapidly, and there are many stores that sell high heels for men. You'll find everything from classic black pumps to sexy patent leather boots or lace-up loafers with chains attached — especially,there are even some sparkly pairs available too!


Tokyo is a city of contrasts, where you can find high heels and sneakers at the same time. It’s also home to some of the best nightlife in all of Asia, making it an ideal place for any man who wants to dress up on a regular basis. If you're looking for something more low-key, there are plenty of other options: Tokyo has some great shopping districts as well as traditional markets where you can get your hands on just about any shoes!


Esta entrevista con Roberto Wills, nos lleva a reflexionar sobre la compleja armonía entre la responsabilidad laboral y la paternidad. Su testimonio revela la importancia de equilibrar ambas facetas de la vida, reconociendo que el amor y la dedicación a la familia pueden influir positivamente en el ámbito profesional. Además, su afición por la naturaleza y la aventura resalta la importancia de compartir momentos significativos en familia. En resumen, la experiencia de Roberto nos inspira a buscar un equilibrio entre el trabajo y la familia, cultivando recuerdos en familia valiosos que perdurarán en el tiempo.

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